  • 期刊


The Parent-children Relation and the View on Children-education in Tu Fu's Poems


本文梳理杜甫詩中之親子關係與教育觀,獲得以下之結論:一、杜甫對子 女採取「寵愛」與「管束」兼具的態度,而子女則回報父母以體貼親心與分憂解勞。二、杜甫服膺男尊女卑、男外女內之傳統觀念,以「人生貴是男」的思 想偏重於兒子的教化,明顯呈現出性別分工的現象。三、杜甫又提出「丈夫重天機」的理念,故就兩個兒子之天資稟賦而個別因材施教,以致兩個兒子的正名與小名之間出現錯置的現象,而次于宗武便以早慧之資質與對文事之愛好,承擔了最大的憐愛與期許。四、杜甫重文輕武,因此以道德才學為教育內容,尤其偏重詩歌創作能力的培養,其原因包括克紹糞裘之家業傳承、名位富貴之 進階、道德學問之堅持;而經濟條件與地方風俗則是影響教育成果的環境因素。五、杜甫以超越前人的關注程度與敘寫篇幅,對私領域之親子倫常關係多所著墨,堪稱詩史上的開拓與革新。


This article analyzes all poems of Tu Fu about his children, studying the poet's parent-children relation and point of view on educating children. It argues that: 1. Revealed through the poems, Tu Fu's attitudes towards his children consist of both cherishing and disciplining: indulging, assigning works, directing children's learning, teaching, etc. The children's attitudes towards parents consist of showing consideration to Parents and sharing family chores. 2. On the issue of children education, Tu Fu is faithful to the traditional idea of 男尊女卑, 男外女內.-men being master and responsible for activities outside the household, while women being obedient and responsible (only) for household affairs. Tu Fu's thought that £F... E-it is a privilege to be born as a man-induces his exclusive care, reflected in all his poems, on education of sons. The phenomenon of work specification by gender is quite apparent. 3. Tu Fu writes that 丈夫重天機-inborn talent is crucial to a man and he should take a good care of it. This induces his educating two sons by different directions and ways, depending on their respective ingenuity. Being early aspired to literature and inclining to civilian affairs, the second son, Tzong-U (宗武, which, incidently, means adhering to military affairs), is mostly loved and expected by the poet. 4. Tu Fu estimates civilian affairs much more highly than military affairs. The contents of his education of children reflect this preference and chiefly consist of morality, literature and history. Poetry is mostly emphasized. Tu Fu justifies his emphasis on poetry by recourse to the belief that poetry is a family heritage, valuable not just because it is instrumental to official ranking and wealth, but also for the value of poetry per se (associated with morality concern). Education budget and local customs are the most referred environment factors affecting children-education; Tu Fu keenly describes such affections. 5. On the whole, Tu Fu's poems about his children surpass those of his precursors, in the amount of works, the scope of description and the degree of concern. By frequently and extensively describing private, family affairs in his poems, Tu Fu loosens or de-stabilizes, presumably not intentionally, hitherto orthodoxy that poems belong to the public field and deal with public affairs.




