  • 學位論文

《Second Chance》的翻譯及譯評

Translation and Commentary of " Second Chance "

指導教授 : 孫順智


近年來,小說在文學上逐漸崛起,並佔有一席之地。一本好的小說往往以突出的情節取勝,使人有迫切讀完之感。(劉仁祥,2003)為了使讀者更能深歷其境,許多暢銷小說翻拍成電影,透過誇張生動的演出,使大眾更能融入作者所杜撰的劇情。舉凡托爾金的《魔戒》,J.K•羅琳的《哈利波特》,史蒂芬妮•梅爾的《暮光之城》,均搬上大螢幕成為叫好又叫座的熱賣電影。但是,部分閱讀過譯本的讀者覺得電影演出並不到味。再者,看過原文的讀者也常覺得譯本又似乎少了點韻味。 因此,如何透過翻譯將跨文化的文學作品發揮的淋漓盡致,使讀者透過熟悉的語言,瞭解不同文化的故事背景,並產生共鳴,正是此研究的重點。 筆者選擇Jane Green的《Second Chance》,中文譯名《第二次機會》,作為翻譯和譯評的題材。期望透過翻譯角色鮮明、故事貼近日常生活的作品,使讀者從書中感受作者筆下人物內心的衝突及糾結,並從書中的故事重新檢視自己面對生活的態度。更透過自評,來研討翻譯小說所使用之方法與原則,以及翻譯時碰到之問題與解決方法,以提供未來翻譯小說文學的依據參考。同時,也期望透過自評,運用所學的翻譯理論技巧來檢視及提升筆者的翻譯能力。進而能更貼近小說作者筆下的絢麗的世界,將完整的風貌呈獻給讀者。


翻譯 譯評 小說


Recently, the novel genre has risen gradually and earned a place in literature. A good novel is successful for its striking plot, attracting people to read it. Many best-selling novels have been made into movies to make the readers experience the story. With exaggerated and vivid presentation, people can submerse into the world fabricated by the author. Some examples such as “The Lord of the Rings” by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, “Harry Potter” by J. K. Rowling, and “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer became big hits in the big screen. However some readers who have already read the version think the movie version doesn’t reflect the original written version. Moreover, some readers who have read the original think the translation is not as attractive as the original. Therefore, this study tries to show readers the story with a different culture, using their mother language and then having sympathetic responses. The study selected “Second Chance” by Jane Green as the subject. The study expected readers could feel characters’ inner conflict and review their life attitude by translating the story with vivid characters and daily life. Furthermore, the writer discussed the translation methods and principles via self-assessment and discussed the problem and solution to provide the reference materials of novel translation. Besides, the study also hoped using translation theories learned at school to view and promote her translation ability by self-assessment. This study anticipated showing the whole world of the story to readers.


translation commentary novel


1、王佩茵 (民98)。〈《Never Let Me Go》之中譯與譯評〉。長榮大學翻譯研究所碩士論文。
2、汪秉忠 (民97)。〈《Man and Boy》之中譯與譯評〉。長榮大學翻譯研究所碩士論文。
4、郭漢濤 (民98)。〈文化因素對翻譯的影響:以《大黃蜂戰機》一書之中譯為例〉。長榮大學翻譯研究所碩士論文。
5、榮莒苓 (民99)。〈歐美影集中專業術語之字幕翻譯策略〉。長榮大學翻譯研究所碩士論文。
6、李俊忠 (民90)。〈《混沌碰上華爾街》之翻譯與譯評〉。國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所碩士論文。


