  • 學位論文

文化創意產業文化支持度與文化發展力關係之研究 -台灣五都文化創意產業關鍵成功因素之觀點

Relationship between Cultural Support and Cultural Development of Cultural and Creative Industry - Key Success Factors Perspective of the Five Major Cities in Taiwan


近代全球興起一股創意城市之風潮,老城市需要重塑昔日輝煌,新城市亟待營造來日美譽,然而無論是沒落的舊繁華或是新興的金雞母,皆期望能透過文化資源的投入,替城市注入新的創意能量,賦予嶄新生命和轉型契機,進而邁向永續發展之途。反觀台灣,雖創新步伐落後於國際各大城市,卻也猶如大夢初醒般恍然頓悟,於近年來大力追求城市創意之表現,希冀透過大量資源的挹注,更添城市文化風采,並藉由「文化創意產業」的發展與落實,開創深具規模、且足以影響城市繁榮的「文創經濟」,在全球競相角逐「創意城市」美名的跑道上獲得佳績、嶄露頭角。 有鑑於此,本研究欲探討文化創意產業文化支持度與文化發展力之關係,依據相關研究與文獻探討後,選出相關變數加以研究,包含:(1)將文化支持度區分為「政策支持度」、「基建支持度」、「體制支持度」、「在地支持度」;(2)文化發展力區分為「產業發展力」、「市場發展力」、「延伸發展力」;(3)文化創意城市部分選擇台灣五大直轄市;(4)關鍵成功因素區分為「人才因素」、「社會因素」、「政策因素」、「發展因素」;透過問卷調查方式,以台灣五大文創城市之文化創意產業關鍵成功因素觀點進一步檢視其中差異,回收有效問卷共205份進行相關統計分析,經過整理歸納研究結果後得到以下結論: 1. 台灣五大文創城市之文化支持度與文化發展力關係密切,其中台北市之文化支持度與文化發展力均明顯優於新北市與台南市。 2. 關鍵成功因素中人才因素干擾在地支持度對延伸發展力之間關係,在文創人才充足、跨領域人才較多等關鍵成功因素的影響下,不論城市「在地支持度」高低與否,其「延伸發展力」的滿意度表現均相同。 3. 台灣五大文創城市之關鍵成功因素無顯著差異,多以「發展因素」為首要關鍵要素,可見台灣五大直轄市在推動創意產業上,早已將這些關鍵的發展要素緊握在手。


The trend of promoting creative city has risen recently: the old cities need to be remodeled; the new ones require excellent reputation. Whether prosperous or not, the cities are expected to be endowed with creative energy and chances of transformation by investing cultural resources to proceed the path of sustainable development. Taiwan, on the other hand, lagging behind international metropolis in being creative, has pursued performances of city creativity, hoping to increase cultural atmosphere by placing numerous resources and to develop cultural and creative economy by practicing cultural and creative industry. This study therefore aims to explore the relationship between cultural support and cultural development of cultural and creative industry. Related variables are selected in this thesis, including: (1) cultural support is divided into ‘policy support’, ‘infrastructure support’, ‘system support’ and ‘local support.’ (2) Cultural development is classified into ‘industry development’, ‘market development’ and ‘extension development.’ (3) Five special municipalities of Taiwan are chosen as cultural and creative cities. (4) Key factors of success contain ‘personnel factor’, ‘society factor’, ‘policy factor’ and ‘development factor.’ This research adopts a questionnaire survey which recycles effective questionnaire 205 and finds that: (1) there is a close relationship between cultural support and cultural development of the five major cultural and creative cities of Taiwan. Cultural support and cultural development of Taipei City are especially better than those of New Taipei City and Tainan City. (2)The personnel factor can influence the relationship between local support and extension development. With more interfielding talent and sufficient elites in cultural and creative industry, the satisfaction of extension development remains the same regardless of the degree of local support. (3)There is no evident difference among the key factors of success of Taiwan’s five major cultural and creative cities, but the primary element can be development factor. Also, it can be seen that the five major cities already held these key factors when promoting cultural and creative industry.


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陳至柔(2013)。文化內涵度與文化創造力對文化影響力關係之研究- 中國大陸九大文化創意城市比較分析〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300341
